IA02: Find a Role Model
I interviewed Jordan Schultz-McArdle, who is a junior majoring in Data Science Analytics. She has been involved in Hackathon, which is a 48 hour competition where her team made a tech based product. Jordan has also been to an International Artificial Intelligence conference. And this summer she is going to be doing research in Singapore working with a professor at the National University of Singapore.
When asked about studying strategies, Jordan recommended changing it up every once in awhile. She does this by utilizing flash cards, study guides, rewriting class notes, studying with others, teaching the subject, and typing up notes. She says she changes it up because the variety is nice and keeps her brain busy and avoids boredom. Jordan said this is especially useful when many tests are occurring in a small time frame.
When asked about building a good portfolio, Jordan immediately said talking to people, being polite and not burning bridges are all good advice. Jordan believes networking and talking with recruiters makes her nervous and feels like she stops herself from taking advantage of opportunities. She now strives to make simple conversation, and reminds herself that it's okay if she doesn't get an offer every time. Jordan recommends using the time I have now to just talk to people, and figure out through conversations how to market yourself best. She highlights that the world is small, and people know one another, so always thank them and don't burn bridges.
Expanding on my interview with Jordan, I read Jeremy's recount of the Wozniak lecture who is an MIS major. I wanted to read an article that connects with Jordan's interview, and my major. Jeremy mostly discusses conflict in the workplace and what can come out of it. But he also speaks of the tech hub that is now Pittsburgh. For students like Jordan and I, hearing that tech is booming in our college town is great news for a couple reasons. The first is opportunity. While in college, there will be many events centered around tech like conventions and competitions that we can add to our resumes. It also means more internship opportunities in the city for us to gain experience. And lastly, job and career opportunities will be plentiful. In a tech booming city, college grads in Data Analytics will have a good chance of landing a desirable career.
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